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Wednesday, 18 August 2004

Full Thrust Miniatures

I got an email in my guise as [Schild en Vriend](http://www.nirya.be/snv) webmaster, asking about which models we used for our [Full Thrust](http://www.nirya.be/snv/FT/ft.html) games. As this might be useful for more people, here's what I answered:

>> However, I was wondering if you please could tell me what models you've
>> been using, and where you got them?
>We've been using a number of manufacturer's models. GZG is one (e.g. the
>Tolstoy, mentioned in the campaign, is the big ESU dreadnought by GZG), but
>there are a lot of others:
>AOG's Babylon Five miniatures: AOG (Agents of Gaming) seem to have gone
>bust, but this site claims to have found a source:
>[AOG Babylon 5 minis](http://www.uncomyngifts.com/Main/Recreation_Room/Babylon-5/Game_Supplies/Babylon5Wars/Miniatures/)
>ICE Silent Death figures: there are many stores that sell these, but
>here's the manufacturers site:
>[ICE Silent Death](http://store.ironcrown.com/category.jsp?category=2043)
>Be sure to order the metal ones, the resin ones are huge (3 times the
>size of the metal ones, or around 10 inches)
>Irregular Miniatures: this is a miniature manufacturer in the UK doing
>all kinds of figures and scales, including spaceships (though they're
>basic - to get an idea: the Morgenes and most of Fleet Section 408 as
>pictured on our web page are Irregulars):
>[Irregular Miniatures](http://www.irregularminiatures.co.uk)
>The spaceships are listed in the 6mm section of the catalog.

BTW, that's [GZG'z online store](http://www.gtns.net/gzg/) mentioned in the first paragraph.

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