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Thursday, 24 February 2005

Red Barons Convention XVI

Next Saturday sees the 16th edition of [Red Barons'](http://home2.pi.be/sk032140/index.htm) yearly [convention](http://home2.pi.be/sk032140/Archief/Conventie%202004.htm) in Gentbrugge, near Gent (Ghent for the anglophones and -philes among you).

While [we ourselves](http://www.nirya.be/snv/) will not be able to attend ( having to get one house finished and another emptied, and indoctrinating future generations of engineering students, respectively), we nevertheless heartily recommend this convention to all of you. It is among Belgium's best wargame conventions, and the guys from Red Barons do their best to promote the hobby in Belgium through it (hi Henk, Koen & Jan :) ).

If you happen to be around Gent (or, if you're American, anywhere around Belgium, as our distances pale in comparison to the ones you're used to), by all means drop in and say hi to the organizers from us!

Finally, the website of the convention is linked to above, but bears repeating: [the website is here](http://home2.pi.be/sk032140/Archief/Conventie%202004.htm).

We'll be there next year, guys.

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