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Monday, 30 May 2005

Great terrain article

Craig over at [Minimods](http://minimods.myblogsite.com/blog) has a really nice article up on [building rivers from foam](http://minimods.myblogsite.com/blog/_WebPages/HowtoMakeaRiver.html).

The foam he uses seems to be a high density variety, akin to the type used to make children's foam play tiles and the like. He gets it from [Hobbycraft](http://www.hobbycraft.co.uk) in the UK, a chain that does not seem to have outlets in Belgium, but I think you can get similar stuff at [De Banier](http://www.debanier.be) stores in Belgium.

Anyway, [Minimods](http://minimods.myblogsite.com/blog) in general is shaping up to be a great miniature wargames blog (with a tighter focus than our eclectic selves), so by all means go over and have a shufti.

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