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Wednesday, 26 July 2006

Please wear hard hat and ear protectors at all times

Over the next few days, I'll be upgrading TTM to a new version of the blog software (Movable Type). This might mean some inconveniences as well as periods of downtime in the near future.

The reasons for this are many:

* There is apparently a new generation of comment spam software out there, that scans the blog and looks for the comment URL, so my earlier ploy of changing the name of the comment script is no longer effective. MT3+ has a number of other spam prevention features.
* MT3+ is now free for personal use
* MT3+ has a number of Technorati Tags plugins that I intend to make use of

So, if something weird happens here in the near future (well, weirder than usual), you'll know what to blame.


  1. Just found this blog after looking thru old messages at TMP.Sent you an email with an AAR of my solo playing of the Full Thrust New Vilnius scenario�great scenario!!! I took the liberty of revising the SSD�s by converting them to FB2-style icons but on the old ship-style SSD forms,with a couple of tweaks. Mind if I use the Human-Xirin war setting for some other solo scenarios? Thanks for posting this on the Schild en Vriend website.

  2. Mark,
    Glad you like our material. Of course, please feel free to use whatever you like. That's what hobby sites on the net are for!

  3. Am working on a Human-Xirin scenario of my own to try out,using some SSD's both from the web and of my own design.If interested I can email it to anyone interested when I am finished writing it up.
