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Monday, 22 August 2011

And another convert

Some time ago, one could admire some teddy bears painted by my daughter. It seems I have a new convert:

IMG 2547

That's a spare Victrix French Grenadier who is in the process of becoming 'the orange hunter'. Blue, white, brown and pink ones were to follow.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Crusade of Light convention

On 10 September, Gaming Club Fallen Angels in Leuven together with De Witte Ridder from Leopoldsburg are organizing their first joint convention, titled Crusade of Light:

Crusade of Light

We will be there with our Holowczyn game.

The entry is free, so there's no reason not to go and support this new convention :)

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Bavarian Generals

Some freshly painted Bavarian leadership. First up, Kronprinz Ludwig, commander of the 1st Division in 1809:

GL Kronprinz Ludwig

Next up, GM Von Zandt, commander of the cavalry brigade of 1st division:

GM Von Zandt

And finally, GM Von Rechberg, commander of the 1st Infantry Brigade of said division:

GM Von Rechberg

The figures are Front Rank (Ludwig & Von Zandt) and Foundry (Ludwig's escort from 1st Chevauxlegers and Von Rechberg). The size difference between these two makes is obvious when one compares the figure of Ludwig with his midget escort :)