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Saturday, 15 August 2020

New edition of Programmed Wargames Scenarios

Caliver books have announced a new edition of Programmed Wargames Scenarios, the excellent book by Charles Grant for conducting solo games.

(image from Caliver Books website)

This book has been part of my wargaming library for many years (if I remember correctly, I bought it 92 or 93 in Orc's Nest, London), and it has been very useful. As I understand, it is also a much sought after book and my fetch high prices on the 2nd hand market.

See my review on boardgamegeek I wrote in 2019.

1 comment:

  1. One of my own favorites! Glad to see it's being reissued. Lots of wonderful scenarios therein whether one is playing solo, or facing a real live opponent.

    Best Regards,

