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Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Riots in Lowenheim (5)

We concluded our last post with this event: The Magicians' guild feel their old rights of living in the city are endangered. Why? Who is their leader? What's the connection between the magician's guild and the history of the city?

Since Johannes Mercator predicted the omen of the planetary conjunction, and now has the ear of the Landvoogd, it seems that the magicians feel their influence on the affairs of Lowenheim is in danger. So let's work on that story arc a bit. A conflict between the old forms of knowledge (i.e. magic) and the new forms (i.e. science) seems like something that could give rise to some fights in Lowenheim (which is what we want!). 

So how many wizards/magicians do we need in the guild? I already have a wizards' tower (see also my posts on painting and assembling the tower) in the city, surrounded by a magical garden. Three wizards seems like a good number to live in such a tower.

So let's give them some names and personality characteristics, using the same system we had before and based on Tony Bath's Hyboria campaign, and adding some additional details. I keep all the numbers in a spreadhseet for now, but I won;t repeat them here. The names are inspired by "De Rode Ridder" adventures, a comic book series popular when I was a kid. Think about them as the Flemish Prince Valiant.

Kerwyn Mandragora, Grandmaster of Colours.
Verdal Balok, Keeper of the Secret Knowledge of Illis-Thran.
Bahaal Trismegistus, Arch-Conjurer of the Fifth Circle.


For centuries the Trigonometros, the triumvirate of wizards living in the Tower, have advised the rulers of Lowenheim. Three is their number, and three it always be, according to old lore and ancient tradition. They live in the Tower, which is surrounded by a garden full of weird and mysterious creatures and plant. Inhabitants of Lowenheim rarely wander there, although all know the wizards control the beasts and probably no harm would be done. But the living horrors are sometimes a bit too weird for ordinary humans to cope with.

The road from Lowenheim up to the Wizard's tower.
(Never mind the Christmas lights :-))

The road through the magical garden is filled with strange plants and creatures ...

... perhaps the results of experiments gone wrong?

After it became clear that Johannes Mercator had foreseen the planetary conjunction, and he interpreted it as a bad omen, the Landvoogd apparantly is inclined to listen to this newcomer in lieu of the respected and ancient Trigonometros.

"If we are not careful, our influence will wain!" said Kerwyn Mandragora.
"Indeed, we must act, and crush this dangerous new science. After all, we know what's best for Lowenheim!" answered Verdal Balok.
"What can we do? Shall we risk open violence? Or rather stealth and deception?" pondered Bahaal Trismegistus.

The Trigonometros assembled in the Wizards' Tower

"Let's go the roof and wee what we can do!" shouted Kerwyn Mandragora. "Our position of power is in danger!"

A view from the Tower, over the Guard Barracks, towards the tower of Johannes Mercator.

A view towards Lowenheim


Let's update our table of events for the week 3, with altered sections in colour. I still want to keep the events as "open" as possible, but of course tune them a bit towards the evolving story arc.

  1. The Landvoogd makes an important announcement as a result of the planetary conjuction seen in the sky. What is it? What is the result on the morale of the inhabitants of the city? [1]
  2. A trade caravan arrives. Who is the trader? What does he or she hope to sell or trade in Lowenheim? What news does the caravan bring? [1]
  3. The people living in the slums are starving. They form a mob and will go looking for food. Why now? Where will they look for food? Who is the leader of the mob? (==> skirmish wargame) [1]
  4. The guards (along with the tax collector) go out collecting the new taxes, but a fight ensues. In what quarter of the city? Why is there a fight? (==> skirmish wargame) [1]
  5. The Magician's guild feel their old rights of living in the city are endangered. Why? Who is their leader? What's the connection between the magician's guild and the history of the city? The Magicians plan an attack on Mercator's tower. How will they do this? Night or day? Ground, air, tunnels, spells? Using their magical creatures, or do it more stealthily? Who will come to the help of Johannes Mercator? (==> skirmish wargame) [3]
  6. One of the other scholars (besides Johannes Mercator) living in the city makes a strange discovery that is of some importance. Who is he or she? What discovery? How will it affect the city? Good or bad? Physical discovery or new knowledge? What does it mean for the tension building up between the scholars and wizards? [3]
  7. One of the animals escapes from the Magician's zoological garden. What is the animal? Where does it go to? Intelligent or stupid? Rampage or not? What are the consequences? (==> skirmish wargame) [1]
  8. A murder takes place in Lowenheim. Who is the (important?) victim? Will there be a trial? What's the judicial system in Lowenheim? [1]
  9. A drunken party assembles on the streets outside one of the inns (why?), starts shouting and destroying things. The city guard has to come in and restore the peace. (==> skirmish wargame) [1]
  10. Johannes Mercator is now even more popular than he was before. What are his plans for the future? What does he want to gain from the current situation? [2]

So, let's roll a D10 ... a 3! The people living in the slums are starving. They form a mob and will go looking for food. Why now? Where will they look for food? Who is the leader of the mob? (==> skirmish wargame)

Interesting ... so now we have a game on our hands!

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