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Friday, 22 January 2021

Chronicles of Lowenheim (9)

Last episode: http://snv-ttm.blogspot.com/2021/01/chronicles-of-lowenheim-8.html

Full overview: http://snv-ttm.blogspot.com/p/chronicles-of-lowenheim.html

The event rolled for week 5 was the following: The Landvoogd makes an important announcement as a result of the planetary conjuction seen in the sky and the subsequent riots. What is it? What is the result on the morale of the inhabitants of the city?

So this is an important event - it involves the ruler of the city, the Landvoogd, and his announcement might set the course for the next couple of game weeks. But first, let's summarize what events have transpired so far:

    It seems obvious the Landvoogd wants to restore order to the city and serve his own interests. But what kind of character is he? Let's roll the dice and use our system explained before: 3D6 per stat, and the most important stat of the character rolls 4D6 and drops the lowest die. Political aptitude seems like the defining trait for a city boss. 

    • Social aptitude: 10
    • Political aptitude: 12
    • Activity: 11
    • Morals: 11
    • Physical Stamina: 5
    • Age (10D10): 52 years old.

    Hmm, this seems like an average character in all aspects. He probably got the job of Landvoogd because of his father had the same post before him. He's also not in very good health, and is possibly very ill. This might seem a bit disappointing at first (I might have preferred a stronger character), but it means there's great potential for all sorts of of factions in the city plotting to overthrow such a weak figure. This is what I like about using all sorts of randomizers to seed the story. You never know what comes out.

    But anyway, we still need a name for the Landvoogd, that should reflect both his status but perhaps also a bit his average personality. I like using names that have some connection to local history, books I've read, etc., these always are a good source of inspiration. Let's settle on a famous statesmen in the Low Countries during the 16th century, the Count of Egmont. So we have Lamoraal van Egmont, Landvoogd van Lowenheim. Remember I like to use Dutch/Flemish names. There's already too much English with silly puns in wargaming ;-)

    Lamoraal van Egmont, in front of the Town Hall.

    I now realize I don't yet have women as characters in Lowenheim. So let's fix that immediately. Since our Landvoogd seems a somewhat weak figure, we'll put a strong women next to his side, the real "power behind the throne". Let's call her Sabina (the real count's wife was also named Sabina). We'll also give her a defining stat in political aptitude (rolling 4d6 and discarding the lowest die).

    • Social aptitude: 7
    • Political aptitude: 13
    • Activity: 11
    • Morals: 10
    • Physical Stamina: 12
    • Age (8D10): 57 years old.

    Ok, perhaps not the most sophisticated plotter in political intrigues, but it perhaps adds to the notion that the Landvoogd is somewhat weak. I also tried to make her a bit younger than her husband (rolling 8D10 instead of 10D10), but she ended up older anyway :-) Let's see how these characters develop further during the next epsiodes ...

    Lamoraal and Sabina van Egmont in the private chambers of the Landvoogd.

    So, now we will have to decide what the big announcement is. Given that there have been riots, it might have to do with suppressing the population. Or given that there was the planetary conjunction as an omen, he might revoke the taxes. So it might be something good or bad for the population. Let's roll a D20 against Lamoraal's Morals score (11): A 14, so the test has failed. It means something bad for the population, so perhaps the taxes remain in place, AND there will be a curfew in the city AND perhaps there will be an arrest warrant for the troublemaker Hans De Jonghe? Perhaps he should calm the population by involving the popular Johannes Mercator? Let's list these possibilities, each with a probability on a D10. I can play around with these probabilities a bit so I give some more chance to events I will think might lead to more interesting storylines.

    • Taxes remain in place, but there will be something to keep the poplation somewhat under control, e.g. a fair or joust or so ... (1)
    • Taxes remain firmly in place, but the (popular) Johannes Mercator (who has predicted the conjunction) will be given a more formal role (2-4)
    • Taxes remain frmly in place AND a curfew is announced (5-6)
    • Taxes remain firmly in place AND there is an arrest warrant for Hans De Jonghe (7-8-9)
    • Taxes remain firmly in place AND a curfew AND an arrest warrant (10)

    Let's roll the D10, ... a 3!


    After the riots near De Groene Draak, Lamoraal van Egmont feels resolute action is needed to restore order. He decides to call on Johannes Mercator, who has gained some popularity after predicting the planetary conjunction.

    Lamoraal van Egmont listens to the advice of Johannes Mercator.

    "Yes, Sire, how can be of help?" asks Mercator.

    "You have heard about the riots. And I want to restore order. You seem to have gained some respect among the population after your succesful prediction. And quite rightly, you predicted that troubles would come.So how should I proceed?"

    "Sire, you should either revoke the taxes, or do something useful with the money such that the people will feel that their sacrifices are for the greater good."

    "The taxes will remain in place! I like spending money for the glory of Lowenheim!"

    "Hmmm, ok. Perhaps I can suggest the new invention of my friend, Pascal Stevin. He has invented a quite wonderful calculating machine, that could bring Lowenheim into a new era, the era of science."

    "Will it generate more riches?"

    "Yes, I think it will ... "

    "Good, good! Let's make a proclamation in front of the town hall."

    "One more thing, Sire. What about the Trigonometros? Shouldn't you consult them as well ... the traditions of the city?"

    "As you said yourself Mercator: the era of science has begun. Perhaps the era of magic will come to an end."

    Johannes Mercator feels excited, but is also worried. This could mean open conflict with the Trigonometros.

    "Citizens of Lowenheim! The era of science has begun!
    We will develop a calculating machine that will bring new riches to the city!"


    So, what do we have for game week 6?

    Here's our list of events, with any modifications in colour. Number in brackets list the game week in which the event was first listed (although it might have been modified since).

    1. The Landvoogd makes an important announcement as a result of the planetary conjuction seen in the sky and the subsequent riots. What is it? What is the result on the morale of the inhabitants of the city? [1]
      The Trigonometros wants to regain their influence, and start looking for allies. They try to make contact with Hans De Jonghe, the leader of the riots. Will they succeed? How can both parties benefit from this unlikely alliance? [6]
    2. A trade caravan arrives. Who is the trader? What does he or she hope to sell or trade in Lowenheim? What news does the caravan bring? Are there any strange creatures part of the caravan? [1]
    3. Grombo SuykerByck still feels he should be rewarded for his efforts in putting down a revolt in the city. What would be a proper reward? Will he become an influential friend of the Landvoogd? Will he get more money and/or influence? [4]
    4. The guards (along with the tax collector) go out collecting the new taxes, but a fight ensues. In what quarter of the city? Why is there a fight? (==> skirmish wargame) [1]
    5. The Magicians Trigonometros plans an attack on Mercator's tower. How will they do this? Night or day? Ground, air, tunnels, spells? Using their magical creatures, or do it more stealthily? Who will come to the help of Johannes Mercator? (==> skirmish wargame) [3]
    6. Mercator and Stevin want to see the Landvoogd and tell him about the new dawning Age of Science. Will they have the Landvoogd's ear? How will he react, and what effect will it have on the developments in the city? [5]
      A fire is erupting in the city. Which building is affected? Was the building set on fire deliberately? Who could have done it? [6]
    7. There are 4 statues at the crossroads (and a few more in the city). What is their meaning? What do they tell about the history of Lowenheim? [4]
    8. A murder takes place in Lowenheim. Who is the (important?) victim? Will there be a trial? What's the judicial system in Lowenheim? [1]
    9. The recent riots around De Groene Draak lead to heightened patrols by the city guards. What will they do to restore order? Impose a curfew? How will they do it? By force or not? (==> skirmish wargame?) [4]
    10. There's a coven of cultists hiding in the city somewhere. Who are they? What do they want? What is their secret temple? Is there an important figure part of the cult? [5]

    Let's roll our D10 again ... a 6! "A fire is erupting in the city. Which building is affected? Was the building set on fire deliberately? Who could have done it?"

    To be continued ...


    1. It looks like a fun solo campaign Phil!

      1. It is fun :-)
        But the drawback is I cannot use my gaming table for anything else right now. But at some time, I'll have to replace the snowcloth and snow firtrees with something more suitable ...
