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Thursday, 30 December 2021

Your old junk is my future junk

When I was visiting JP yesterday, he wanted to get rid of some "old junk".

I'm always eager to pick up old wargaming items from fellow wargamers, although I know very well I just adds to my junk pile, and chances are I will try to unload them on some other innocent wargamer a few years from now.

Over the years, I've become more conscientious about what to keep w.r.t. games, wargaming items, history books, etc. I prune my hoard regularly, getting rid of things I know I will not use again. After all, the memories are often better than the actual game or items ;-). Nevertheless, sometimes the hoard grows again in unwanted directions.

Anyway, this is my free loot:

  • 2 old AH games I will probably never play;
  • A Zulu supplement for Black Powder (I do not have figures for the Zulu war);
  • A ruleset for Arthurian skirmish - hmmm, doubtful;
  • 3 Ospreys - Ospreys are always good;
  • A Cthulhu book - fun read probably;
  • 2 general wargaming books - I love the genre of the 'wargaming book'.


  1. Phil, you grabbed onto some goodies. Thomas’ book is one of my favorites.

  2. There are some nice items in your haul Phil!

  3. Yes, getting rid of things makes room for more... wait... that doesn't make much sense... I bought more already
