Yesterday we played our "Grand Melee".
16 knights started the melee. After 4 were knocked out, the game was reset and we continued with 12 (the second toornament day). Then with 8. Etc. In the end, there was one winner emerging from the final round of 4 on the 4th tournament day.
Players got a gold piece when they knocked a knight out (1 GP), and when one of the backed knights (assigned randomly and hidden at the start of the tournament) ended in the last 5 (resp. 1/2/3/4/5 gold). The secretly assigned knights also made players guessing who was backing what knight, which was an additional element of fun.
When it was your turn, you could activate any knight you wanted, and had to choose from 3 possible actions (drawn randomly from ordinary playing cards). "Virtues of the court ladies" threw in some additional special benefits for chosen knights.
Bart took the win with a total of 10 GP, Phil came in second with 9 GP, and Eddy acquired 5 GP.
Overall, a fun game, although as usual, some rules tweaks are in order if we ever decide to run this again.
The start of the Grand Melee.16 Knights want to win the tournament. Yes, that's an original Citadel Warhammer Siege castle from the late 80s/early 90s.
A medieval game is always a good reason to bring out some old Warhammer Scenery.
The first casualty of the tournament. Philips van Liezele is knocked out
Me taking a photograph of Bart taking a photograph.
Eddy and Bart pndering tactics. Who wil win? Barthold van Vetterling or Edward van Sterkenburg?
A bloody melee. Sigisbiduwald von Trappstein-Hohenschlieffen is knocked out, while Egon van Blauwen and Alexander de Croowaen are looking on.
The Status Board, used for identifying knights, although after some time we knew all miniature by name. Most of the names are tongue in cheek and refer to our past games or our own names.
Another overview of the tournament field.
A look at the castle.
A view of the melee field, in one of the later rounds.
One of the final combats. Egon van Blauwen vs Barthold van Vetterling vs Hubertus van d'Ardennen.
The final combat!!! Hubertus van d'Ardennen (who turned out to be one of Bart's knights) will knock out Alexander de Croowaen (who was backed by Phil).