Just when you thought you'd read the last of those '2011 plans and
resolutions' posts, here's mine. In my defense, I did one of these [last
year](http://www.nirya.be/snv/ttm/archives/000360.html) and it's my blog anyway. So there.
First, let's recap the projects from last year and see what I did for them
this year:
* Poltava. This is that rare beast -- a project that actually was
finished. We collected and painted two armies,
built the terrain and put on the [Poltava game at Crisis](http://www.nirya.be/snv/ttm/archives/000384.html). The armies in
question have been used several times since and will be used more.
* Bavarian Napoleonics: currently, these have two line and one light
infantry battalions (24 figures each) painted, as well as a two gun
artillery battery (bought off Ebay). I also purchased a painted 36 figure
line battalion off Ebay. In the same general area - 28mm Napoleonic
figures for the 1809 campaign - I purchased a fully painted Austrain
army on Ebay (exhausting my wargames budget for the year, had I kept one
able to put on a game with these figures (because it was a few for each
nationality instead of lots for one), I'm still calling this a success.
* Romani Plastici. Another success. While I only painted one extra unit
for them last year -- the [auxiliary cavalry](http://www.nirya.be/snv/ttm/archives/000375.html) -- this did turn out to
build up to a playable force, as we played a game with them against my
[Celts](http://www.nirya.be/snv/ttm/archives/000197.html) last week and it turned out that they are more than a match
for those, so I'll have to switch to painting more Celts instead of
* Sideprojects: not much happened here I'm afraid. I did paint the
Uncharted Seas ships (evidence thereof [here](http://www.nirya.be/snv/ttm/archives/000371.html) ) but did nothing for
the Future Wars stuff (except buy more figures :) ).
So, all in all a successful year in projects. Which brings me seemlessly
to my project list for this year:
* 28mm Napoleonic figures for the 1809 Danube Camaign. This now becomes my
main project for the year (and probably several more years,
given the all embracing nature of Napoleonic wargaming). I'm
painting the Bavarians myself, have sent off the French line to a
friend's [painting service](http://www.mmps.asia/) and have an Austrian army that only needs
to be rebased. The initial goal is to be able to refight the Abensberg
battles (featuring about a division each of Bavarians and Austrians) by
summer. By then, the French should be underway so I can move on to
Teugn-Hausen by fall.
* Romani et Celti Plastici: I'll continue building up the Romans and
Celts, mostly in anticipation of the new Ancients ruleset by Priestley
for Warlord Games.
* Side projects: still the Future Wars stuff (the land phase for the
Beryllium Wars narrative campaign), as well as refurbishing a Russian
Cold War era army I bought second hand (do you see a theme developing
here?) to face off against my Brits. Additionally, I'll paint up the
occasional extra unit for the Great Northern War armies. I'm planning on
refighting some of the Russian campaign battles and find that I'm short on
cavalry for many.
And finally, a new project:
* 28mm Fantasy wargaming. I bought the Island of Blood boxed set by Games
Workshop to have a set of figures to play games with the kids with. Not
being able to contain myself, I have since expanded both armies and bought
dwarves (Mantic) and Orcs (Foundry) to go with them :). So this year will
see me painting up some of these. Of course, this is all a subtle plot to
put pressure on Phil to develop his ultimate fantasy wargame ruleset :)
That's more or less my high level plan for toy soldiery this year. If I can
stick by it as well as I did last year, I'll be very happy. I will make one
resolution as well though: buy less figures this year :).
What's everyone else up to this year?