Some of you might remember my narrative-driven Lowenheim game. The last posts dates from March (9 months ago), and I never managed to finish the last post. The city lay-out had to make room for some other games, so Lowenheim went into a slumber. But no despair, I plan to return to the setting!
But there's still a (for now) final event to resolve.
"There are 4 statues at the
crossroads (and a few more in the city). What is their meaning? What do
they tell about the history of Lowenheim?"
This is a pure story-telling and background event, but in the light of the events that happened already, it is fun to add to the background of Lowenheim already developed.
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One of the first things travellers see when they enter Lowenheim through the main citygate is the crossroads with the 4 statues. Those 4 statues are linked to the history of the city, and symbolize the powers that have governed the city for a long time.
View through the citygate, towards the crossroads.
Travellers and caravans entering the city all pass past the crossroads.
4 statues were erected by the (then) Landvoogd Maximiliaan van Egmont, great-grandfather of the current Landvoogd Lamoraal van Egmont, almost a hundreds years ago.
The 4 statues guarding the crossroads.
Another view of the same crossroads. |
The Warrior, signified the military power of Lowenheim.
The Keymaster, signifying the gates and locks and strength of the city.
The Priest, symbol for the spiritual powers in Lowenheim
The Mother, symbol of care for the younger generations.
It is a custom that the town crier makes important announcements at the crossroads.
There are some other important statues in the city as well.
The Seer, signifying the wisdom and knowledge, often embodied by the Trigonometros (so far ...)
The Cynic, symblically placed against the church, a warning not to take oneself too serious.
The Guardians, 2 statues flanking the cemetary (although one has fallen and has not been repaired).
Let's roll our event for week 8. As usual, I have amended our list of events based on the story so far.
- Did
people witness the battle of the elementals? Can the city still trust
the Trigonometros? Does this mean the end for the wizard's influence?
- A
trade caravan arrives. Who is the trader? What does he or she hope to
sell or trade in Lowenheim? What news does the caravan bring? Are there any strange creatures part of the caravan? [1]
- Grombo
SuykerByck still feels he should be rewarded for his efforts in putting down a
revolt in the city. What would be a proper reward? Will he become an
influential friend of the Landvoogd? Will he get more money and/or
influence? [4]
- The guards (along
with the tax collector) go out collecting the new taxes, but a fight
ensues. In what quarter of the city? Why is there a fight? (==>
skirmish wargame) [1]
- The Trigonometros plans an attack on Mercator's tower. How will they do this?
Night or day? Ground, air, tunnels, spells? Using their magical
creatures, or do it more stealthily? Who will come to the help of
Johannes Mercator? (==> skirmish wargame) [3]
- What
happens to the physical remains of Verdal Balok? He is a wizard, after
all. Does he come back as a lich? Another form of undead? Something else
entirely? [7]
There are 4 statues at the
crossroads (and a few more in the city). What is their meaning? What do
they tell about the history of Lowenheim? [4]
One of the stuatues is said to hold an ancient relic. Which statue? What is the relic? [8]
- A murder
takes place in Lowenheim. Who is the (important?) victim? Will there be a
trial? What's the judicial system in Lowenheim? [1]
- The
recent riots around De Groene Draak and the fire in the wizards' tower lead to heightened patrols by the
city guards. What will they do to restore order? Impose a curfew? How
will they do it? By force or not? (==> skirmish wargame?) [4]
- There's a coven of
cultists hiding in the city somewhere. Who are they? What do they want?
What is their secret temple? Is there an important figure part of the
cult? [5]
So, let's roll the die once more .... a 7! Another nice fleshing out of the background of the city ...